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Begemann and Skiles, 2017

Sonja Begemann and Susan Skiles Luke, July 10, 2017, “Arkansas, Missouri Ban Dicamba,” AgWeb.


Effective just after midnight on July 11, Arkansas finalizes a 120-day emergency ban on dicamba sales and use.  Missouri also banned dicamba the week before, with the intent of re-opening sales once the investigation into complaints of damage from dicamba drift is complete. The Missouri Soybean Association is quoted as saying that more than 200,000 acres of soybeans are affected in the state.  In a statement, Monsanto stressed the importance of “following label and local requirements” for their Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System of dicamba-resistant soybeans. The article lists the number of complaints of dicamba damage in Arkansas as “nearly 600,” up from the 500 reported on July 6, 2017.  FULL TEXT

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