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ClassAction, 2017

ClassAction, “Morgan & Morgan Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Farmers Impacted by Dicamba,” PR Newswire, September 11, 2017.


The firm Morgan and Morgan filed a lawsuit on September 10th against Monsanto, BASF, and DuPont – the major producers of dicamba in the U.S..  The suit was filed in Illinois on behalf of the owner/operator of farm in Broughton, IL where hundreds of acres of soybeans and pumpkins were allegedly damaged by dicamba drift.  “Farmers across the country relied upon the defendants’ assurances that these new formulations of dicamba could be used safely and without harm to others. That simply isn’t true, and as a result thousands of farmers are staring down lean harvests and uncertain futures” (Rene Rocha, attorney on the case).  They are seeking an permanent injunction against marketing and selling Xtend crops, Xtendimax, Engenia, and Fexapan as well as compensation for losses and legal costs.  “The dangers of this herbicide have been understood for decades. Unfortunately, instead of producing safe and effective weed control options, it appears that the defendants are using the threat of harm to eliminate their competition and dictate what crops farmers can and cannot plant.” FULL TEXT

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