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Demillo, 2017

Andrew Demillo, “Weed Killer Turns Neighbor Against Neighbor in Farm Country,” Associated Press, July 17, 2017.


This AP article sheds light on Mike Wallace, the Arkansas farmer who was shot and killed in October 2016  by the manager of the neighboring farm during a confrontation over damage to Wallace’s farm from dicamba drift.  Mike’s sister said that he “did not want to hurt his neighbor, and he could not understand why people would spray things that would hurt others.”    The article reports that as of mid July, 630 complaints have been received so far at the Plant Board, far surpassing the 250 or so that or usually submitted each year.   Herbicide manufactures continue to insist the problem is with application error, and not their products.  “I’ve never seen anything like this,” quotes one long-time soybean farmer.  FULL TEXT

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