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Gray, 2017a

Bryce Gray, “Class lawsuit takes aim at dicamba producers, accuses Monsanto reps of condoning illegal spraying,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 23, 2017.


This article reports on the class action lawsuit filed July 18th in federal court in Monsanto’s home state of Missouri.   The lawsuit claims that despite public statements urging farmers to wait for the new, low-volubility dicamba formulations, Monsanto privately assured farmers that off-label use wouldn’t be harmful.   The suit names Monsanto, BASF, DuPont, and Pioneer as the defendants, and the plaintiffs currently include seven farms in Arkansas, though many more are expected to join.   In reviewing the 2017 batch of dicamba damage complaints, the article claims that as well as Arkansas and Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kansas, Illinois and Indiana have all seen problems from dicamba use.   FULL TEXT

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