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O’Leary et al., 1970

O’Leary, James A., Davies, John E., Edmundson, Walter F., & Reich, George A.; “Transplacental passage of pesticides;” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1970, 107(1), 65-68; DOI: 10.1016/s0002-9378(16)33891-1.


The levels of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in blood and tissues of pregnant women have not been adequately studied, although it has been stated that DDT or its metabolites may be detected in most infants born in America today. The occurrence of these chemicals in neonates has been documented by Denes. For the most part, the biological effects of acute exposure to many pesticides are well known, although this is not true regarding chronic and subacute exposure. In addition, the chlorinated hydrocarbons have been shown to be powerful stimulators of the hepatic microsomal enzyme system:; and these effects remain to be determined. For this reason increased emphasis in this research area is advisable.

The application of gas chromatography and development of the electron capture detector have made possible the determination of levels of many pesticides in every tissue, thus opening new avenues of investigation. The data in this report are presented as an effort toward the clearer understanding of the possible effects of concentrations of pesticides in blood and other tissues during pregnancy, and represent conclusive evidence of the quantitative transfer of DDT and its metabolites to the fetus. The variables of maternal race and fetal maturity are considered. FULL TEXT

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