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Polansek and Flitter, 2017

Tom Polansek and Emily Flitter, “EPA eyes limits for agricultural chemical linked to crop damage,” Reuters, September 5, 2017.


More details on proposed EPA regulatory action ahead of 2018 growing season to address dicamba damage crisis.  EPA is considering a cut-off date in spring or early summer for dicamba applications, allowing pre-emergence spraying only.   The agency calls the extensive damage of this season unacceptable and warns of “significant changes” to the rules.  This will impact Monsanto’s bottom line:  “If the EPA imposed a April 15 cut-off date for dicamba spraying, that would be catastrophic for Xtend – it invalidates the entire point of planting it.”  Article also notes the high cost of dicamba seed as farmers try and decide the benefit of ordering the resistant seed. ” Dicamba-tolerant soybeans cost about $64 a bag, compared with about $28 a bag for Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soybeans and about $50 a bag for soybeans resistant to Bayer’s Liberty herbicide.”


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