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Zobiole et. al, 2010b

Luiz Henrique Saes Zobiole, Rubem Silvério de Oliveira Jr., Robert John Kremer, Jamil Constantin, Carlos Moacir Bonato, Antonio Saraiva Muniz, “Water use efficiency and photosynthesis of glyphosate-resistant soybean as affected by glyphosate,” Biochemistry and Physiology, 2010, 97: 182-193, DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2010.01.004.


Previous studies comparing cultivars of different maturity groups in different soils demonstrated that early maturity group cultivars were more sensitive to glyphosate injury than those of other maturity groups. In this work, we evaluated the effect of increasing rates of glyphosate on water absorption and photosynthetic parameters in early maturity group cultivar BRS 242 GR soybean. Plants were grown in a complete nutrient solution and subjected to a range of glyphosate rates either as a single or sequential leaf application. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, sub-stomatal CO2, carboxylation efficiency, fluorescence, maximal fluorescence and chlorophyll content were monitored right before and at different stages after herbicide application; water absorption was measured daily. All photosynthetic parameters were affected by glyphosate. Total water absorbed and biomass production by plants were also decreased as glyphosate rates increased, with the affect being more intense with a single full rate than half the rate applied in two sequential applications. Water use efficiency (WUE) was significantly reduced with increasing rates of glyphosate.  FULL TEXT

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