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Bibliography Tag: dicamba

Associated Press, 2017b

Associated Press, “Farm chemical linked to oak damage,” July 2, 2017, Quad-City Times,


Reports that almost 1,000 residents of Iowa have contacted the state Department of Natural Resources about damaged leaves on oak trees (photo, right) that looked like insect damage.  Research from the University of Illinois in 2004 showed that herbicide drift was likely linked to the condition, known as leaf tatters, due to exposure to chloroacetanilide herbicides like dicamba.  Exposure occurs from direct drift but also through atmospheric volubility in areas not close to where the herbicide was applied. White oaks are particularly susceptible, and trees can die if damage to the leaves occurs over multiple years.   FULL TEXT

Steed, 2017

Stephen Steed, “Governor approves dicamba prohibition in Arkansas,” Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette,


Reports that on June 31, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson submitted a letter that approved the Arkansas Plant Board’s proposed 120-emergency ban on dicamba sale and use in the state.  He wrote that ” the volume of complaints do justify emergency action;” 507 complaints had been received as of June 31st.   The proposed ban next goes to a subcommittee of the Arkansas Legislative Council for review, although their approval is not required for the ban to take effect.   The article reports that complaints in neighboring states are also up, with 100 in Missouri and 48 in Mississippi as of the end of June 2017.  FULL TEXT

Bennett, 2017b

Chris Bennett, “Arkansas Dicamba Ban Passes, Heads to Governor’s Desk,” June 26, 2017, AgPro.


Report on the vote of the Arkansas plant board on June 23 for a 120-day emergency ban on dicamba use after 242 complaints of damage from drift were received.   The article points out the huge problem of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in Arkansas fields, and the issue of seed availability, estimating that in 2018 70-80% of the seed available will be of the Xtend GE-variety, creating a greater need for dicamba.

Bennett, 2017a

Chris Bennett, “Dicamba Drift Reports Rise in Tenessee,” June 26, 2017,  Ag Web.


Reports that as of June 26, Tennesse Department of Agriculture has open investigations on 27 dicamba drift complaints, compared to only 3 in the same time period last year. FULL TEXT

Charles, 2017a

Dan Charles, “Arkansas Tries To Stop An Epidemic Of Herbicide Damage,” June 23, 2017,  NPR.


NPR story focusing on the farmer-vs-farmer conflicts arising in Arkansas due to dicamba damage.  By press date, 242 complaints had been received by state regulators.  On June 23, 2017 the Arkansas Plant Board voted to ban any spraying of dicamba on crops, other than pasture land, for 120 days.  The ban would take effect as soon as signed by the governor.  FULL TEXT

Steed, 2016

Stephen Steed, “Dicamba decision looms for governor; limit herbicide’s use, Arkansas panel urges,” December 18, 2016, Arkansas Online.


The governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson is pondering whether to accept recommendations by the state Plant Board to limit dicamba use in the coming growing season over concerns about damage from drift from new GE dicamba-tolerant crops.  FULL TEXT

Soloneski et al., 2016

Sonia Soloneski, Celeste Ruiz de Arcaute, and Marcelo L. Larramendy, “Genotoxic effect of a binary mixture of dicamba and glyphosate-based commercial herbicide formulations on Rhinella arenarum (Hensel, 1867) (Anura, Bufonidae) late-stage larvae,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23:17, DOI: 10.1007/S11356-016-6992-7.


The acute toxicity of two herbicide formulations, namely, the 57.71 % dicamba (DIC)-based Banvel(®) and the 48 % glyphosate (GLY)-based Credit(®), alone as well as the binary mixture of these herbicides was evaluated on late-stage Rhinella arenarum larvae (stage 36) exposed under laboratory conditions. Mortality was used as an endpoint for determining acute lethal effects, whereas the single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay was employed as genotoxic endpoint to study sublethal effects. Lethality studies revealed LC5096 h values of 358.44 and 78.18 mg L(-1) DIC and GLY for Banvel(®) and Credit(®), respectively. SCGE assay revealed, after exposure for 96 h to either 5 and 10 % of the Banvel(®) LC5096 h concentration or 5 and 10 % of the Credit(®) LC5096 h concentration, an equal significant increase of the genetic damage index (GDI) regardless of the concentration of the herbicide assayed. The binary mixtures of 5 % Banvel(®) plus 5 % Credit(®) LC5096 h concentrations and 10 % Banvel(®) plus 10 % Credit(®) LC5096 h concentrations induced equivalent significant increases in the GDI in regard to GDI values from late-stage larvae exposed only to Banvel(®) or Credit(®). This study represents the first experimental evidence of acute lethal and sublethal effects exerted by DIC on the species, as well as the induction of primary DNA breaks by this herbicide in amphibians. Finally, a synergistic effect of the mixture of GLY and DIC on the induction of primary DNA breaks on circulating blood cells of R. arenarum late-stage larvae could be demonstrated.  FULL TEXT

Weselak et al., 2008

Weselak M, Arbuckle TE, Wigle DT, Walker MC, Krewski D, “Pre- and post-conception pesticide exposure and the risk of birth defects in an Ontario farm population.,” Reproductive Toxicology, 2008, 25:4, DOI: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2008.05.060.

ABSTRACT: The use of pesticides has enhanced the health and economies of nations around the world by improving crop production. However, pesticides may pose health risks, particularly to the fetus and young children. In a secondary analysis of the Ontario Farm Family Health Study, we explored the relationship between birth defects and parental pesticide exposure during the 3 months prior to conception and the first trimester of pregnancy. A total of 3412 pregnancies were included in the study. Logistic regression fit by maximum likelihood was used in the analysis. The results showed that pre-conception exposure to both cyanazine (odds ratio=4.99, 95% confidence interval: 1.63-15.27) and dicamba (OR=2.42, 95% CI: 1.06-5.53) were associated with increased risk of birth defects in male offspring. Nevertheless, given the self-reported nature of the exposure and outcomes in this study, the present findings should be considered primarily as hypothesis generating, requiring verification in subsequent investigations. FULL TEXT

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