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Charles, 2017b

Dan Charles, “Damage From Wayward Weedkiller Keeps Growing,” July 6, 2017, NPR.


NPR Morning Edition radio piece reports that dicamba-related complaints in Arkansas are up from 250 at the end of June to 550 by July 6th.  Estimates of potential damaged soybeans are up to 2 million acres.  The new Monsanto dicamba resistant cotton and soybean is being blamed for this damage from an herbicide that has been in use for over 50 years.  As one farmer quoted in the story puts it, “This technology cannot be allowed to exist. It cannot co-exist with other crops.” On the other side of the debate, farmers using the GE crops claim that dicamba is working great against the herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth that is plaguing their fields, and Monsanto’s head of crop protection sees all this as “just part of the learning curve.”  FULL TEXT

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