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Gullickson, 2018

Gil Gullickson, “Minnesota Dicamba Temperature, Cutoff Dates Credited for Less Off-Target Movement,”  Successful Farming, Published Online September 27, 2018.


Looks at upcoming re-registration decision on dicamba by EPA.  Reports that “in 2017, inquiries regarding off-target dicamba in the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend system tallied 99 inquires per 1 million acres. This year, it’s down to 13 per 1 million acres, and most revolved around weed-control issues, says Brett Begemann, Bayer Crop Science chief operating officer. Xtend soybean acreage is up, though, having doubled from last year’s 25 million acres to this year’s nearly 50 million acres.” Fact that 100,000 farmers and applicators attended dicamba training made a big difference. On Minnesota restrictions: “Compared with states that did not have cutoff dates, Minnesota had limited complaints of off-site dicamba movement in 2018, says Gunsolus. In 2017, there were over 250 reports of dicamba damage, he says. In 2018, MDA has so far fielded 52 reports of dicamba damage covering 1,850 acres, says Joshua Stamper, director of the pesticide and fertilizer management division for the MDA.” FULL TEXT

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