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Hightower, 2017

Mary Hightower, “Dicamba Drift: Arkansas Researchers Find All Formulations Volatile; 876 Injury Reports,” AgFax, August 10, 2017.


The Plant Board reports 876 complaints as of 8/10. An estimated 35% of the state’s 3.5 million acres and 300,000 of the 400,000 acres of cotton are planted in dicamba resistant acreage that would be sprayed with the new herbicide formulations.  Weed scientists with the state point out that although lab testing found that the new formulations (Engenia, Xtendimax, and FeXapanTM) were less volatile than older dicamba herbicides (i.e. Banvel and Clarity), researchers have found that under realistic, field growing conditions “differences in volatility between older dicamba products such as Clarity and newer ones including Engenia and Xtendimax are not as evident… Soybeans are so sensitive, very, very low levels of volatility can cause injury.” FULL TEXT

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