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Bibliography Tag: analytical methods

Soffritti et al., 2002

Soffritti, Morando, Belpoggi, Fiorella, Minardi, Franco, & Maltoni, Cesare; “Ramazzini Foundation Cancer Program: History and Major Projects, Life-Span Carcinogenicity Bioassay Design, Chemicals Studied, and Results;” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2002, 982, 26-45.


The Ramazzini Foundation research program was started over thirty years ago. The features of this program are: (1) systematic and integrated project design; (2) consistency over time; (3) homogeneity of approach: key members of the team remain unchanged; and (4) choice to work on new frontiers of scientific research. The program centers mainly on three projects: Project 1: experimental carcinogenicity bioassays; Project 2: experimental anticarcinogenesis assays to identify factors and active principles (compounds) capable of opposing the onset of tumors while being suitable for preventive/ chemopreventive intervention; Project 3: epidemiological studies, both descriptive and analytical, on tumor incidence and mortality in persons professionally and environmentally exposed to industrial carcinogenic risks. The project involving experimental carcinogenicity bioassays for the identification of exogenous carcinogens (environmental and industrial above all) began in 1966. This project has included 398 experimental bioassays on 200 compounds/ agents using some 148,000 animals monitored until their spontaneous death. Among the studies already concluded, 47 agents have shown “clear evidence” of carcinogenicity. The results have demonstrated for the first time that (1) vinyl chloride can cause liver angiosarcoma as well as other tumors; (2) benzene is carcinogenic in experimental animals for various tissues and organs; (3) formaldehyde may produce lymphomas and leukemias; and (4) methyl-tertbutyl ether (MTBE), the most common oxygenated additive used in gasolines, can cause lymphomas/leukemias. Many of the results achieved have led to the introduction of norms and measures of primary prevention. FULL TEXT

Wang et al., 2018

Wang, M., Zhou, X., Zang, X., Pang, Y., Chang, Q., Wang, C., & Wang, Z., “Determination of pesticides residues in vegetable and fruit samples by solid-phase microextraction with a covalent organic framework as the fiber coating coupled with gas chromatography and electron capture detection,” Journal of Separation Science, 2018, 41(21), 4038-4046. DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201800644.


In this study, a covalent organic framework designated as TpPaNO2 was synthesized by a mechanochemical grinding method and then coated on stainless steel wire by a sol-gel technique to prepare a solid-phase microextraction fiber. The TpPaNO2 fiber based solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-electron capture detection was applied to determine the residues of 11 pesticides (trlfuralln, dicofol, alpha-endosulfan, 1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro-1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethenyl]benzene, nitrofen, beta-endosulfan, 1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro-1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]benzene, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane, bifenthrin, permethrin and fenvalerate) in vegetable and fruit samples. The effects of extraction time, extraction temperature, sample pH, stirring rate and desorption temperature on the extraction efficiency were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, the limits of detection for the eleven pesticides were in the range of 0.04-0.25 mug/kg. The recoveries of the eleven pesticides in the vegetable and fruit samples were 81.5-111% with the relative standard deviations less than 11.2%.

Lu et al., 2018

Lu, L., Su, H., Liu, Q., & Li, F., “Development of a Luminescent Dinuclear Ir(III) Complex for Ultrasensitive Determination of Pesticides,” Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(19), 11716-11722. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b03687.


To improve the G-quadruplex specificity of Ir(III) complexes, a novel dinuclear Ir(III) complex (Din Ir(III)-1) was designed and synthesized through connecting two mononuclear Ir(III) complexes via a diphenyl bridge. Din Ir(III)-1 presents 3.4-4.1-fold enhancements for G-quadruplex relative to ssDNA and 4.3-5.3-fold enhancements relative to dsDNA in luminescence intensity, respectively, demonstrating an excellent G-quadruplex selectivity. Ascribed to its superior specificity to G-quadruplex, Din Ir(III)-1 was employed to construct a highly sensitive luminescent pesticides’ detection platform. The detection is based on acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-catalyzed hydrolysis product-induced DNA conformational transformation and subsequent terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) directed G-quadruplex formation. The assay exhibited a linear response between the emission intensity of Din Ir(III)-1 and the pesticide concentration in the range of 0.5-25 μg/L ( R2 = 0.994), and the limit of analyticdetection for the pesticide was as low as 0.37 μg/L when using aldicarb as the model pesticide. Moreover, this strategy demonstrates good applicability for the pesticide detection in real samples. It is also versatile for the detection of other organophosphate or carbamate pesticides, which have the inhibition ability toward AChE. Therefore, the proposed approach is scalable for practical application in food safety and environmental monitoring fields and will provide promising solutions for the assay of pesticide residues.

Valle et al., 2018

Valle, A. L., Mello, F. C. C., Alves-Balvedi, R. P., Rodrigues, L. P., & Goulart, L. R., “Glyphosate detection: methods, needs and challenges,” Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10311-018-0789-5.


Glyphosate is considered toxicologically harmful and presents potential association with human carcinogenesis and other chronic diseases, including mental and reproductive behaviors. The challenges to analyse and demonstrate its toxicity are likely due to its metal-chelating properties, the interference of organic compounds in the environment, and similarity with its by-products. Whereas there is a link with serious health and environmental problems, there is an absence of public health policies, which is probably due to the difficulties in detecting glyphosate in the environment, further complicated by the undetectable hazard in occupational safety and health. The historical lenient use of glyphosate in transgenic-resistant crops, corroborated by the fact that it is not easily detected, creates the “Glyphosate paradox”, by which it is the most widely used herbicide and one of the most hardly determined. In this review, we revisited all available technologies for detection and quantification of glyphosate, including their drawbacks and advantages, and we further discuss the needs and challenges. Briefly, most of the technologies require high-end equipments and resources in low throughput, and none of them are adequate for real-time field tests, which may explain the lack of studies on occupational health associated with the chemical hazard. The real-time detection is an urgent and highly demanded need to improve public policies. FULL TEXT

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