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Bibliography Tag: policy and politics

Bennett, 2017b

Chris Bennett, “Arkansas Dicamba Ban Passes, Heads to Governor’s Desk,” June 26, 2017, AgPro.


Report on the vote of the Arkansas plant board on June 23 for a 120-day emergency ban on dicamba use after 242 complaints of damage from drift were received.   The article points out the huge problem of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in Arkansas fields, and the issue of seed availability, estimating that in 2018 70-80% of the seed available will be of the Xtend GE-variety, creating a greater need for dicamba.

Bennett, 2017a

Chris Bennett, “Dicamba Drift Reports Rise in Tenessee,” June 26, 2017,  Ag Web.


Reports that as of June 26, Tennesse Department of Agriculture has open investigations on 27 dicamba drift complaints, compared to only 3 in the same time period last year. FULL TEXT

Charles, 2017a

Dan Charles, “Arkansas Tries To Stop An Epidemic Of Herbicide Damage,” June 23, 2017,  NPR.


NPR story focusing on the farmer-vs-farmer conflicts arising in Arkansas due to dicamba damage.  By press date, 242 complaints had been received by state regulators.  On June 23, 2017 the Arkansas Plant Board voted to ban any spraying of dicamba on crops, other than pasture land, for 120 days.  The ban would take effect as soon as signed by the governor.  FULL TEXT

Steed, 2016

Stephen Steed, “Dicamba decision looms for governor; limit herbicide’s use, Arkansas panel urges,” December 18, 2016, Arkansas Online.


The governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson is pondering whether to accept recommendations by the state Plant Board to limit dicamba use in the coming growing season over concerns about damage from drift from new GE dicamba-tolerant crops.  FULL TEXT

EPA, 2009

Environmental Protection Agency, December 2009, “Glyphosate Final Work Plan: Registration Review Case No. 0178”


This document lays out the work plan for the latest 15-year glyphosate Registration Review.  FULL TEXT

EPA, 1977

Environmental Protection Agency, July 1, 1977, Memo on glyphosate toxicology studies.


This memo briefly describes 8 glyphosate toxicology studies by the laboratory IBT. FULL TEXT

EPA, 1998

Environmental Protection Agency, April 20, 1998, Glyphosate- Report of the Hazard Identification Assessment Committee, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances.


This memo describes the official confirmation of the change in the glyphosate cRfD from 0.1 to 2.0 mg/kg/day.  FULL TEXT


EPA, 1973

Environmental Protection Agency, May 24, 1973, Memo on Toxicology of Glyphosate.


This memo reports on the results of several toxicology studies on glyphosate for humans and animals and is one of the earliest available regulatory documents for this herbicide.  FULL TEXT

Zeneca, 2000

Zeneca Ag Products (subsidiary of Syngenta), 2000, Touchdown Herbicide Label, EPA Registration Number: 10182-437.


First Touchdown glyphosate-based herbicide label. FULL TEXT

Monsanto, 2005a

Monsanto, March 9, 2005, Powermax Herbicide Label, EPA Registration Number: 524-549.


First label for Powermax glyphosate herbicide for Roundup Ready crops.  FULL TEXT

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