Dr. Robert Kremer is an adjunct professor of soil science in both the Division of Plant Science and the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri. Dr. Kremer served as a research microbiologist for 32 years with the Cropping Systems and Water Quality research unit in Columbia, MO. Tune in to learn more about:
- The job of a microbiologist;
- The billions of microorganisms found in a teaspoon of soil;
- Why glyphosate will stay and built up in the soil for several years and harm beneficial microorganisms including those that act as biological controls of pathogens;
- The discovery that Roundup ready soybeans and regular soybeans sprayed with glyphosate became overly infested with soil fungi during the dying process from the effects of glyphosate;
- How glyphosate is taking out important nutrients from the plant, like manganese, iron and copper;
- Why glyphosate is patented as an antibiotic;
- About the project on the Mitigation of Potential Adverse Effects of Transgenic Crop Production for Long-Term Improvement of Soil Health;
To learn more about Dr. Kremer’s work, go to https://cafnrfaculty.missouri.edu/rkremersoilhealth/.