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All HHRA News Posts

Fairness and Trust in Organic Food Supply Chains

December 2, 2023

From the British Food Journal Findings show that perceived distributional, procedural and interactional fairness mutually interact with the perceived trustworthiness of business partners and that both contribute to building personal, organisational and institutional trust. Qualitative data support the conceptual model…

Herbicide Use in Iowa Update

March 30, 2023

An update on HHRA research on herbicide use in Iowa and changes in herbicide exposure levels was presented March 29, 2023 at the annual meeting of the Iowa Public Health Association. The meeting was held on the campus of Iowa…

An Update from HHRA

August 12, 2022

HHRA's team has been making lots of progress in our important work at the intersection of food, farming, and health. We started the spring/summer of with a bang as we brought HHRA on the road to the Public Health Conference…

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